
OUR VISON : Our vision is to be a leading pharmaceutical company in India and to become a significant global player by providing high quality, affordable and innovative solutions in Veterinary Market.

OUR MISSION : We will discover, develop and successfully market our products to prevent, diagnose, alleviate and cure diseases. We shall provide total customer satisfaction & achieve leadership in markets, products and services across the India, through excellence in technology, based on high class research and development..

CORE VALUES : We as Albion’s comes from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Each of us have different upbringing that influences our views, opinions, preferences, beliefs etc. This diversity is our strength. We need to constantly build upon this strength by our core values.


Passion for excellence means not doing extra-ordinary things, but doing ordinary things in all pursuits exceedingly well. Passion and excellence are forces that fuel each other on the exclusive path to leadership. As we are what we repeatedly do, excellence then becomes not an act, but a habit.


Concern for Society & Environment is a sense of responsibility and contribution to society that defines our existence. It entails making a difference in the quality of lives and environment surrounding us.


The guiding principle behind caring for customers and family is being honest in building and nurturing relationships.


An ideal organisation facilitates participation and involvement of each of its team members in various decision making processes. It not just leads to commitment but also ensures ownership of the end result by each member.